How to Productize Your Expertise: Designing a Signature System

How to Productize Your Expertise: Designing a Signature System

Productizing your expertise by creating a signature system is a vital step in building your expert business. Many creators mistakenly scatter their talents, offering piecemeal knowledge and solutions without a cohesive system. This results in small wins for their customers but no major transformations. How do you fix that? By defining your signature system or…

How to choose tools for content creation

How to choose tools for content creation

Previously, I covered the types of equipment you need for a minimalist home studio. This week, I’m covering the next critical element: recording and editing software. Every week in the groups I’m part of and when we onboard new clients into our content engine service, the question of how to record comes up. Recording software…

Recurring Revenue: Is A Membership Model Right For Your Business

Recurring Revenue: Is A Membership Model Right For Your Business

Vacation or prison? A membership-based online business can feel like either, depending on how you design it. Why am I writing about memberships this week? Because I’m considering one for my business and wanted to share my thought process for deciding. Many solopreneurs and creators hear about recurring revenue and think, “yes please!”. That’s understandable….

Is SEO Dead?

Is SEO Dead?

It started with a question I was asked: What’s a reasonable monthly SEO investment? My initial thought was the classic “how much you got?” Then I decided to tap into my vast experience in this space and SCREECH. Whoops, I didn’t have vast experience in SEO, or any really. A few weeks of research, learning,…

Which is the best content to create: Video, Audio, or Text?

Which is the best content to create: Video, Audio, or Text?

The answer is ALL of them but in a very specific order. The right order is different for each creator. With content, there are competing priorities: You will have audience members who prefer video, audio, or written content. Your business and content need to be discovered, and some platforms, like podcasts or blogs, have zero…

Delegating Doesn’t Mean Losing Control

Delegating Doesn’t Mean Losing Control

Delegating work, even creative work, does not have to mean losing control over the result. With hundreds of competitors in every niche, the amount of quality content, information products, engagement, and support needed for success is higher than ever. Trying to do all of the work yourself is a recipe for failure. David Ziembicki, Expert…

Designing your content for repurposing: Lists and micro-structures

Designing your content for repurposing: Lists and micro-structures

In this issue I’ll show you how create content so it can be easily repurposed into dozens of assets. As a creator or solopreneur (or really any business owner) every hour of your time is a precious resource. Most creators spend their few precious hours a week creating a monolithic piece of content that only…

Aligning your content to the buyer’s journey (the secret to leads and sales)

Aligning your content to the buyer’s journey (the secret to leads and sales)

To create content that generates leads and sales, you have to understand the buyer’s journey. Most creators and solopreneurs publish one-size-fits all content, hoping that each piece will address new and existing audience, low and high-ticket customers, etc. If you don’t align each piece of content to specific segments of your audience and where they…

How do you systemize your online business?

How do you systemize your online business?

Everybody tells you to systemize your business (especially me!) But what does that mean? How do you actually do it? Most people think systemizing means finding the perfect tool that claims to automate everything. But the most important tools for systemizing are a clock, pencil, and paper. To systemize, here are the key steps, and…

Why I’m creating original content in an AI world (and why you should too)

Why I’m creating original content in an AI world (and why you should too)

It is critical to create original knowledge and content, more so than ever with the rise of AI. If all someone does is copy/paste prompts, take AI output, and publish or sell it, they don’t have a sustainable (or valuable) business. For your business to survive and thrive, you must Be The Expert, and create…

Attract, Convert, and Ascend Your Ideal Customers For Online Business Success

Attract, Convert, and Ascend Your Ideal Customers For Online Business Success

Spend 95% of your time on these three to reach 7-figures in your online business: If you neglect any of these three, your business cannot grow. Most people focus on one or two of them which amplifies the problem of not having the others. If you attract a large audience but don’t convert them to…

From Cold Traffic to High-Ticket Clients: Accelerate your buyer’s journey

From Cold Traffic to High-Ticket Clients: Accelerate your buyer’s journey

With the right content strategy and topics, you can accelerate your buyer’s journey. In a previous post, we talked about how to create a revenue generating content strategy. We went deep on how to plan content for attracting an audience, converting them to leads/customers, and ascending them to your flagship programs. That is the buyer’s…

How To Create A Revenue Generating Content Strategy

How To Create A Revenue Generating Content Strategy

It’s time to change your content strategy from random to revenue-generating. From a focus on getting followers to a focus on getting clients. Followers don’t generate revenue, clients and customers do… David Ziembicki, Expert Business Agency No business can survive without generating revenue and more importantly, profit. The earlier you are in your online business…

3 steps to 100x your content publishing and grow your organic traffic

3 steps to 100x your content publishing and grow your organic traffic

With three steps you can 100x the amount of valuable content you’re publishing. Most solopreneurs, coaches, and course creators publish inconsistently. If they even publish one piece, the rest is usually low value content like memes or random quotes. Aim for 100 posts every week across your social channels for organic growth, ESPECIALLY if you…

You DON’T need a large email list before you start selling online

You DON’T need a large email list before you start selling online

Many gurus tell you to wait to launch or sell until you have a large email list or audience. Don’t wait! This is a recipe for failure, as it takes time and money to build a large list. The sooner you start selling, the sooner you collect revenue and feedback. If you don’t have revenue coming in to offset your…

9 Must Have Systems for Online Business Success

9 Must Have Systems for Online Business Success

In this post I’m going to reveal the 9 essential systems all online businesses need for success. You can’t build an income and impact generating online business if you’re missing even one of these systems because they all work together to enable growth. If you’re not making at least 6-figures in revenue, it’s because you’re…

Without these, your online business fails…

Without these, your online business fails…

In this post you’ll learn the four foundation pillars of all successful online businesses. If you’re missing one or more of these, your business is like a house with a weak foundation: it will tip over and fall. The reason most coach, course, and membership creators fail to reach their goals is because they don’t have…

Content Creation: Amateurs vs. Professionals

Content Creation: Amateurs vs. Professionals

Are you creating content like an amateur or a professional? Creating content that attracts your ideal customer is crucial for the success of an online business. The return on investment hinges upon how you approach content creation: amateur vs. professional. Your choice will greatly impact your efforts’ quality, effectiveness, and results. If you’re creating content…