How To Boost Your Social Media Presence

Are your social media channels set up right? Are they helping you generate business or clients?

If not, it’s probably time for a quick tune-up.

Here’s a quick guide to turning on your social media channels for business results.

This is the process we use with new clients to make sure that all the essentials are in place:

Set Up Your Social Media Foundations

We typically see folks have one or two channels set up pretty well, but then the rest either poorly or not at all. Here’s the basics that should be done on all social channels:

  • Claim Your Channel Names: The first step is to establish your presence. Secure your personal name and business name on all major social media platforms. This not only protects your brand but also ensures consistency for your audience.
  • Professional Look: First impressions are vital. Use professional and eye-catching cover art and post templates to stand out. This visual appeal reflects your brand’s professionalism and attention to detail.
  • Create Engaging Profiles: Fill out each platform’s profile with a compelling bio and clear images. This is your opportunity to succinctly convey who you are, what you offer, and why your audience should care.
  • Easy Contact: Your profile should include up-to-date contact information and a clear call-to-action. Whether it’s visiting your website or signing up for a newsletter, make the next steps straightforward for your audience.
  • Tailor Your Brand for Each Channel: Your brand’s voice should be flexible enough to suit different platforms. LinkedIn, for instance, should reflect a more professional tone, while Instagram can be more relaxed and visual.

Content Strategy

I cover content strategy in depth in this blog, but for the absolute basics, this is where to start:

  • Plan Your Posts: A content calendar is a must for organization and consistency. It helps you plan out posts in advance, aligned to your business goals, and ensures a steady stream of content.
  • Mix It Up: Your content should be a balance of promoting your brand and providing value to your audience. Educational, entertaining, and interactive content can complement promotional posts.
  • Use Multimedia: Diversify your content with images, videos, and live streams. This variety not only caters to different audience preferences but also increases your reach.

Boost Engagement

This one is still very important, especially if you are setting up new social channels. Engaging authentically on other people’s posts is key to growing your channels especially in the beginning.

  • Interact: Engagement is a two-way street. Respond to comments and messages to build a community and show your audience that you value their input.
  • Use Hashtags: Hashtags can significantly increase your content’s reach. Use relevant and trending hashtags to expose your brand to a broader audience.
  • Collaborate: Partnering with influencers or other brands can tap you into new audiences and add credibility to your brand. Examples include presenting in their groups or communities and inviting them to present in yours.

Advertising and Promotion

We all want to accelerate the growth of our social media marketing results, here’s how:

  • Consider Paid Ads: Familiarize yourself with the basics of social media advertising. Understanding how it works is the first step to creating effective campaigns so that you can ensure the visibility of your best content by promoting it.
  • Track Performance: Monitor how your content ads perform and track which topics, formats, and duration work the best. This continuous improvement maximizes your return on investment.

Track Your Progress

If you don’t track, you don’t learn what’s working and what’s not, so you can’t improve. Instead:

  • Use Analytics: Regularly check key performance indicators to understand your social media’s effectiveness. This includes engagement rates, follower growth, and conversion rates.
  • Adjust Based on Data: Use the insights gained from analytics to refine your strategy. Data-driven decisions can lead to more effective and efficient marketing efforts.

Keep Up with Trends

I struggle with this one but adapting to current trends in your content can make a huge difference in results.

  • Stay Current: The social media landscape is always changing. Keep up with new features and trends to keep your social media strategy relevant.
  • Learn from Others: Observe what works for your competitors and successful brands. Adapt their strategies to fit your unique brand identity.

Social media is a foundational component of all online businesses. It’s about creating a cohesive, engaging, and responsive online presence that resonates with your audience and drives business growth.

If you need support establishing and filling your social media channels with revenue-generating content, check out our Expert Business Content Engine service.

David Ziembicki

CEO, Expert Business Agency

David Ziembicki is the founder and CEO of the Expert Business Agency, which helps coaches, course, and membership creators build their online businesses. David has been an industry-leading technology and business consultant for over 25 years having worked at Microsoft, Deloitte, SAIC, and Avanade.