Not converting your audience to customers? (it’s probably these 3 reasons)

If you’re attracting an audience but not converting them into customers, it’s likely one or more of these three things.

  • You’re attracting the wrong audience.
  • You’re conditioning them to expect only free content and value.
  • Your offers aren’t addressing your ideal customer’s needs.

Let’s learn how to fix those and get some customers!

Are You Attracting the Wrong Audience?

Most of us wind up in this bind because of the guru advice of provide massive amounts of free value to grow your audience. While that may result in a growing audience, it rarely results in a well-targeted audience, primed for conversion to becoming customers.

Focusing on free how-to content attracts freebie seekers and people focused on DIY, which are much less likely to buy a course, membership, or coaching program.

Are You Not Promoting Your Offers?

The audience mismatch gets magnified by providing more and more free value because it conditions the audience to expect only free content. Then when you finally do try to promote or sell something to your audience, they feel offended because you’re the source of where they expect free content.

If you’ve overcome those first two, then you have an audience of the right folks and you’ve conditioned them to expect some promotions from you.

Are You Making the Wrong Offers?

If you are attracting the right audience and you are promoting but still aren’t able to convert them to customers, then the issue is with your offers.

But let’s look at some of the best list builders out there. Amy Porterfield has made tens of millions of dollars from her email list. Russell Brunson has made hundreds of million dollars from his email list and audience.

What Do the 7- and 8-figure Online Entrepreneurs Do?

Russel and Amy both provide a lot of free value, but they also promote and sell to their list nearly constantly. There are three reasons why this works. First, it sets the audience’s expectation from the very beginning that there will be promotions, that it’s not just a channel for free content. It filters out people that aren’t a good fit or that won’t stand any promotional content.

Second, it acknowledges that people come into their audience at every stage of experience and knowledge. Some of the offers they promote are for beginners, and some are for the more advanced in their audience.

This also conditions their audiences to see that they have a full suite of products and programs to meet them where they are.

Third, the well-targeted and well conditioned audience provides them fantastic data and feedback on their offers and promotions. If an offer falls flat, they know it’s an offer problem. Instead of guessing whether it’s a targeting or conditioning problem. They can get right to improving the offer.

How to Grow Your Audience and Convert Them To Customers At the Same Time

So how can you begin to improve the conversion rate of your audience and the customers? First, start thinking about your content categories. Free value and how to content is still important and should be a big part of your content strategy. But other content categories and especially promotional or marketing content should also be a part of it. Second, start focusing your content on topics specific to the problems your ideal customer has.

General purpose content attracts a general audience. Specific content attracts a specific audience. Third, increase your content volume dramatically. A weekly piece of content posted on one social network with a few random supporting posts is nowhere near enough to grow organic reach these days. You need to be getting to 20 to 50 posts a week across all of your channels.

These three things will help you grow a more targeted, more conditioned to buy and larger audience. So let me ask you, do you wanna keep building an audience that doesn’t convert? Or do you wanna start building a larger, better qualified, and ready to convert audience? If you are ready to build an audience that converts to customers, then you’re gonna wanna apply for the free private training I’ve just launched.

In the training, I show you exactly how to use a three part framework I’ve developed to create high value and high converting content at scale without a huge time investment. I also reveal one other key element that is absolutely required for success. This training distills down what I’ve learned over 10 years in online business and working with six, seven, and eight figure online entrepreneurs.