Your expertise inventory

In this episode, I’m going to show you our two step system for deciding which topic to build your expert business around. This is a subset of the full Expert Business System.

Hey everybody. Dave Ziembicki here from the expert business agency. Today we’re going to talk about one of the most important factors in building a successful expert business and that’s finding a match between your skills and expertise and a viable market that needs your skills and expertise.

So depending on the type of job you already have, the types of skills that you’ve acquired over your life or your career, you may already have some that put you at enough of a level of expertise that a market will be willing to pay you for access to your information, access to the skills you have or to the services that you can deliver.

So how do you figure all that out? How do you figure out whether your level of skills that you have right now is viable?

Well, the first step is you do what we call an expertise inventory. That’s a two step system that we have for finding out what skills and expertise you have and then matching them and finding out if they’re a viable market or not.