Secret 2 of 3: How your knowledge already qualifies you as an expert
In this episode. I’m going to cover the second of three secrets to success for building your own expert business. How your knowledge already qualifies you as an expert…
Today we’re going to cover the second out of three secrets to success for building your own expert business, and today’s secret is how your specific knowledge positioned with the right customers already qualifies you as an expert.
Some people think that being an expert means, you know, being a doctor or a lawyer, someone with a huge amount of credentials or 30 years of experience in an industry or all kinds of different certifications or other things that bless them or bestow them with expert status.
That you have to be like in the top one, two or three or even 10 in your particular field or industry to be categorized or qualified as an expert.
A lot of people think that somebody else decides who an expert is, whether it’s some kind of governing board or standards body or certifications or you know, just the people that you report to in your corporate career.
Let’s break that down a little bit.