Secret 1 of 3: How knowledge or expertise can be used to build a 7-figure expert business…
In today’s episode, we’re going to cover the first of three secrets to success in building your own expert business. Secret number one is the expert business model itself. How knowledge and expertise can be used to build a seven figure automated expert business.
Some people think that it’s impossible to make six, seven, or even eight figures in online business that it’s all smoke and mirrors, rented Lamborghini’s and private jets and all kinds of fake, nonsense. Or that only a few people can really ever be successful or that it’s limited to just a handful of people that are, that are real outliers.
Here’s what I discovered is when I decided to create a virtual summit and started interviewing dozens of successful online expert business owners.
I began putting together lists of people that I wanted to potentially. I was trying to, thinking to myself, well, how many successful people could there be out there? My bar was really anybody that was full time doing an expert business either by they’re still employed or, or on the side, but basically putting full time effort into it and was making at least six figures a year from their expert business.
So I thought it might take me a couple of days or a week to find the 10 or 20 people that I wanted to interview there. But once I started doing that research, it was actually pretty easy to find a lot of people that we’re reaching those levels of success. So I was pretty quickly able to get to the, 20 or so that I wanted to interview for that particular virtual summit.
It actually only that one sent me an hour or two to discover over a hundred people that fit those categories and was more time. I’m sure I could have found a few thousand at least. So in the end I found a lot of people that were building expert businesses. And then obviously the next question was, well, how are they getting to six and seven figures and beyond?