Build Your Expert Business!
Three reasons why you need to overhaul your personal brand now…
Read Time: < 1 minuteIn this episode. I’m going to give you three reasons why you need to overhaul your personal brand right now. Whether you work for a corporate employer or whether you’re a freelancer, independent consultant, it’s crucial that you overhaul your personal brand for three reasons… If you’ve listened to any of the episodes of this…
The Power of an Expert Personal Brand…
Read Time: < 1 minuteWhat I’m going to tell you about in this episode, so dramatically accelerated my career that I want to spend the second half of it teaching others how to get the same benefit that I did. That topic is the power of an expert personal brand and the impact that that can have on your…
The two types of expert businesses (and which to choose)…
Read Time: < 1 minuteIn this episode, I’m going to outline the two different types of expert businesses and how to choose which is the best for you. So once I learned from a mentor that the secret to success in technical fields was managing your career like a business and thinking about strategy, product, marketing and support, I…
Steal this strategy that skyrocketed my career…
Read Time: 2 minutesIn this episode I’m going to tell you about a young technical consultant who learned the secret to success… So there I was, a young technical consultant trying to advance in my career. The thing is I was working hard, but no one really saw how much potential I had. Big problem was that I…
3 CRITICAL mistakes technical professionals make with their personal brands…
Read Time: < 1 minuteIn this episode, I’m going to show you the three critical mistakes most technical professionals make with personal branding and how to fix them. If you’re not advancing in your career or income as fast as you’d like, I guarantee you’re making one or more of these mistakes and I’m going to show you how…
How to know your ideal customer better than their family does…
Read Time: 2 minutesIn this episode, I’m going to show you how to know your ideal customer better than your own family does. We’re going to break this down for you into four steps. The first is choosing the niche for your expert business. We talked about it in previous episodes doing an expertise inventory. In the last…